Monday, 22 April 2013

Melbourne Hobbying: Rock Climbing

Time to get out the city. Today's hobby is...rock climbing!

Sophia's Hobbyaholic Score: ****

Time Commitment: A couple of times a month
Sociableness: You'll need a few trusted buddies
Entertainment Value: Top notch.
Cost: Free if you have equipment, or else around $40 including kit hire.
Verdict: I'm shaking in my boots. Awesome.

So this hobby is pretty awesome. You get to explore some of the best views that Australia has to offer and there are heaps of spots near Melbourne to try out if you get in to it.

If you haven't been before, you'll definitely need to go with a professional. And if you're going with friends, make sure that you trust them! Someone will have to belay you and they'll have your life in their hands. Really. So once you've picked your friends carefully, or found an instructor, head out to rural Victoria! 

This is Werribee Gorge - a popular spot for climbers. There are routes to suit all levels, so it's a good place for beginners to come. 

There's plenty of rock to share, but it's best to arrive early so you don't have to hand around.

I'm not a professional, so I won't offer any advice on how to climb, but I assure you this is an excellent way to spend a weekend. See if you can squeeze a hike in too whilst you're out in the bush.

Struggling to get up the rocks? You can always cheat and set up an absail down them instead!

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