Sunday, 31 March 2013

Suburb Spotlight: CBD

Melbourne's CBD is definitely the place to be to see what Melbourne is really all about. Packed full with hidden bars, graffiti artwork and a mixture of mainstream and one-off shops, this is a great place to visit or live.

Fed Square and Melbourne Central train station are popular with the tourists but also still a popular meeting point with the locals. Fed Square is always host to cultural and sporting events like the tennis and the AFL.

The Australian Centre for the Moving Image is conveniently located in Fed Square; as is part of the National Gallery of Victoria - these are good for rainy days or a break from the sun.

Restaurants and coffee shops pave hidden lane ways coated in artsy graffiti.

Up the top end of town, the library is open to the public and has visiting exhibits and viewing platforms to excite the librarians amongst us. Parliament is also up that end of town, which is worth a perusal whilst you're there.

All in all, whether you've headed straight to Collins Street for the shopping or you've had  a proper look around town, the CBD is a great place to begin a Melbourne adventure.

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